Spiritual Awareness

Message written by

Ken ( Reaching For Joy )
August 05, 2007 at 10:52:47:

From the energy of the Other Side and the direction of the Light from Within, Im being drawn to a Hawk that visits me at the Native American Burial grounds were I do alot of my medidating. Within the soul of the Hawk I shall become its Second Sight. My soul within the Hawks, and its soul within mine. Togeather we shall vision a battle that took place many, many, years ago on this property. As One we shall help many souls find their way home. Not from the past, and not into the future, but from the NOW.
The Second Sight is just another plane that I have reached on the path of enlightenment of the Light Within The Light. The Hawk shall appear before the ritual of the Second Sight to be held at the Burial Grounds. The spiritual energy of the Shaman is growing and maturing within my soul at a very rapid pace. When I entered the Zoo today I was overwhelmed with all the positive energy being sent to me by the Zoo critters communicating with me. I have been embraced and engulfed into a much higher level of Spirituality and Awarness than most Earthly Beings can understand.
This message comes straight from my soul in which my critter friends shared with me. When an animal becomes sick or hurt the rest of the family or/of the breed will form a circle of LOVE to protect the one who is injured or sick, and when a critter is in the process of crossing over the family or breed will form a circle of Healing Light to help comfort it. With this being said, the Second Sight gives me the vision and wisdom to know that the animal kingdom evolves at a much higher Spiritual plane than their human counterparts.
Reaching For Joy

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