Spiritual Awareness
Messages From The Soul!!!

Message written by

Ken ( Reaching For Joy )
August 31, 2007 at 10:29:31:

The best way to describe the Other Side after you have returned from a Near Death Experience, is your actions towards others on your return to the Earthly plane. Love, Compassion, and Forgivness = Reaching For Joy.

To experience the Other Side is to be engulfed by electrical energy that was generated and absorbed on your journey there, and the higher planes were you dwelled the more positive energy you absorbed.

For many the safest way to reach your destination is to take two steps forward, and then one step back. With this being done you can now see were your going and were you have been at the same time. For many, seeing were you have been may play a big impact on were your going.

Reaching For Joy

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