Spiritual Awareness
Re: To Ken pertaining to forgiveness

Message written by

September 05, 2006 at 10:18:12:

In Reply to
To Ken pertaining to forgiveness
posted by
September 01, 2006 at 13:32:46:

: I find that when I forgive someone, who has hurt me, I receive joy!!! It is a precious gift to forgive.

: To not do it...will only hurt me.

: God Bless. Love, Joan

Joan, I agree with you...
(even though you directed this post to Ken, I'm butting in. ha ha)
It takes so much energy and makes me physically ill when I hold a grudge or anger toward someone. I found it easier to forgive someone if I can figure out why they act as they do. Once I do that I can usually forgive. I do, however, find it hard to forgive those who continue to be hurtful and down right mean. There is only one person in this category and although I understand the basis behind it. I just can't fathom why she needs to be so hateful. Perhaps with time.
Hugs to you though,


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