Spiritual Awareness
Re: what marriage is really about

Message written by

September 16, 2006 at 14:28:48:

In Reply to
what marriage is really about
posted by
September 02, 2006 at 08:59:07:


: I have recently discovered what a true marriage is. For most women it's usually means giving your power away to the man. I have known men to give their power away too. My divine love and I have found each other. As we were meditating Tuesday night we went to a place of divine love...where we made the original commitment to love each other forever. That place has changed my view on marriage (I thought I would never get married again).

: What a true marriage is:
: 1.the meeting of 2 souls on a soul level before you fully meet on any other level.
: 2. remaining individuals while becoming one on an energy level.
: 3. Empowering each other.
: 4. Having a divine love means you will change the world because the love you have for each automatically goes out into the world and changes it. 5. Divine love makes a marriage truly sacred.
: I know there is more to this and I am still "downloading" information from this space. If anyone is interested to hear more as it is "downloaded" let me know.

: with much love and light,

: Barbara

I should be the most loudly spoken, as I would bet that I am married the longest of anyone here.

Putting aside the spiritual.. I have found that being willing to comprimise, but clearly holding your own power, is a wonderful way to show love.

God Bless. Love, Joan  

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