Homework Assignments????
Message written by
Ken ( Reaching For Joy )
October 29, 2006 at 11:00:53:
I attended a Hospice presentation yesterday, and there I was asked about our purpose on a daily basis. Everyday that were on this Earthly journey were given a homework assignment to complete. This homework assignment can be opening a door for someone, telling someone how nice they look, or helping a homeless animal. It can also consist on how you deal with a divorce, sickness, accident, and yes the passing of a loved one. But out of all these experiences that we are given every day, its not the experience that were graded on, but how we react to that experience. Its your choice in rather you pass or fail, and I think you know who will be grading your papers when you go home for good, YOU WILL. Good luck on getting your homework assignment done today. Reaching For Joy Ken
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